Membership Criteria
Our criteria for membership are detailed below
Applicant unions should be:
- Willing to support the Constitution and the aims and objectives of the Nautilus Federation;
- In a mutually harmonious relationship with existing affiliates of the Nautilus Federation, on a national and international basis;
- Committed to enhancing the international standing of maritime and shipping professionals and
their qualifications and training standards; - Committed to participate as fully as possible in international fora such as the IMO and ILO;
- Prepared to contribute to the Nautilus Joint Assistant and Support Network (JASON);
- Committed to the fight against the Criminalisation of the maritime profession and for Fair Treatment of maritime and shipping professionals;
- Willing to contribute to sharing of information and best practice;
- Affiliates of the ITF (democratic and independent) and committed to ITF Policy;
- Supportive of ILO Core Principles including Freedom of Association and the Right to Organise and support tripartism;
- Progressive in outlook and embrace partnership and social dialogue.
For the Nautilus Federation, in reaching out to likeminded unions in the maritime and shipping industry, a judgement will be made as to the extent to which an applicant union will enhance its ability to represent and support the interests of its members in accordance with the Strategic Plan and the achievement of the Mission Statement.
Associate Affiliates
While full affiliation to the Nautilus Federation is strongly encouraged, the Board of the Nautilus Federation has agreed to admit ‘Associate Affiliate’ organisations to the Nautilus Federation in appropriate circumstances, as determined by a meeting of the Board on a case-by-case basis.