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United Kingdom

Nautilus welcomes moves to strengthen seafarers' employment rights

  • News
  • 09 October 2024

Nautilus International welcomes government pledge to end unfair employment practices

  • News
  • 25 September 2024

Yacht members: don't ignore your notice period!

  • Telegraph
  • 30 July 2024

Royal Fleet Auxiliary officers to press ahead with planned industrial action ahead of UK General Election

  • News
  • 31 May 2024
Members at work

Yacht reminder: an email is not a contract!

  • News
  • 01 February 2024

Nautilus supports UK right to strike rally

  • News
  • 30 January 2024

Unions and employers agree on need for new seafarer 'social contract'

  • News
  • 30 August 2023

RFA Commodore responds to member concerns raised during the 2021 pay and conditions review

  • Telegraph
  • 14 January 2022

PLA pension review wins acceptance

  • News
  • 11 January 2021

Recovery of Solstad members' rights close

  • News
  • 18 March 2020

Svitzer tugboat crew demonstrations continue over lack of labour agreements

  • News
  • 24 May 2019
Nautilus news

Shipping standards motion wins TUC support

  • News
  • 12 September 2018

Union warns Scottish transport minister over Orkney Ferries dispute

  • News
  • 12 January 2018
Members at work

Orkney Ferries members vote for action

  • News
  • 04 January 2018
Members at work

Unions urge defence minister to end 'unacceptable' peg on RFA pay

  • News
  • 13 December 2017
Nautilus news

Nautilus support for sister union BALPA action

  • News
  • 10 September 2017