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New maritime speaker bank raises neurodivergent profile

24 January 2025

Maritime professionals who identify as neurodivergent are invited to join a new speaker bank run by NeurodiversAtSea.

Interested seafarers can apply by sending an e-mail to and they will be sent a google form to fill out in order to be added to their register.

Whenever a request is received for a speaker at an event it will be sent out to everyone who has registered, based on the topic they indicate an interest in. After that, prospective speakers can liaise directly with the venue to decide if they're the right fit for each other. There is no minimum commitment, but speakers cannot profit from being part of the speaker bank (i.e. cannot charge for their attendance). Speakers are, however, allowed to ask the venue to pay reasonable expenses.

Co-founder and chair of NeurodiversAtSea Daniel Smith said: 'Opportunities vary greatly, from going into schools and speaking at career days, to being members of panels at industry conferences, discussing their experiences and journey, and how their neurodivergence has affected their careers.

'NeurodiversAtSea do not get any payment for running the bank. The main aim is to raise the profile of neurodivergence within the maritime industry.'
