Scottish TUC: Nautilus proposes motions on offshore workers and a Scotland-Europe ferry link
25 February 2021

Nautilus International has put forward two motions at the 124th Annual Scottish Trades Union Congress (TUC), focusing on the need to support workers in the offshore industry and to create a direct ferry link between Scotland and continental Europe.
In the first motion, Nautilus asks Congress to reaffirm support for unions representing workers in the offshore industry, which are seeking to resist job losses and cuts to pay and conditions.
12,000 jobs have been lost in offshore during the past year, with more expected to go in 2021.
The motion highlights the failure of the government to deliver measures supporting offshore workers during the transition towards renewable energy, and urges the UK and Scottish governments to help these workers benefit from new opportunities in emerging green sectors.
The motion states: 'Scotland is set to host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference, and [to plan] a sustainable long-term recovery from the social and economic impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic: now is the time for action in support of a sustainable future for Scotland's energy workers and in support of the Scottish environment.'
The second motion commits Congress to working to re-establish a direct ro-pax ferry service for passengers and freight between Scotland and mainland Europe, following Brexit. The country is currently dependent on English ports for freight after the ferry service between Rosyth and Zeebrugge was shut down in 2018.
This year's Congress, which will be held from Monday 19 to Wednesday 21 April, is being held online due to Covid-19 restrictions.
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