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Travel bans delay officers in Germany

21 December 2020

UK officers en route to joining a ship on Monday were stuck in Germany for 12 hours, in conditions that did not allow for social distancing, and without any food or drink, according to Nautilus International.

The officers arrived in Germany on Sunday night, and were moved to a cramped 'holding area', awaiting a Covid-19 test. They were informed that following a negative result, they would be allowed to move forward.

However, no test kits were made available until lunchtime Monday.

The officers told Nautilus that authorities in Germany did not acknowledge their official paperwork stating they were seafarers and keyworkers. They were not given any food or water until after testing negative, and even then, only one miniature bag of peanuts and one miniature mars bar, plus a bottle of water.

The holding area was so small it was standing room only, the officers said.

Both officers were eventually tested and had negative results. They are now en-route to join the ship.

Treatment of the officers was inacceptable, according to Nautilus which further said that this example shows that the new measures risk aggravating the already critical crew change crisis.

The European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) was made aware of the officers' plight. It urged the UK Government, the European Commission and national governments to step in and ensure that this example stays an anomaly.

Nautilus members can access emergency help and live advice at Nautilus 24/7.

Travel advice for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland can be found here.

Members seeking further information should check the Nautilus Coronavirus FAQs.
