Nautilus member Clive Evans volunteers to maintain the tug Brocklebank – which is one of more than 1,800 vessels registered with National Historic Ships UK – and he needs some help.
Moored outside the Liverpool Maritime Museum, Brocklebank regularly welcomes the public onboard and is seaworthy enough to sail to Ireland each year to make a popular appearance at a festival near Arklow. A recent survey indicated that the vessel has 15 years of life left in the hull and superstructure, but this is dependent on the maintenance and operational work of experienced maritime volunteers.
'I have been the volunteer ETO for Brocklebank for several years since retiring from active sea service,' says Mr Evans. 'During my time here we have installed new radar, AIS, GPS and satcompass equipment. I am currently installing a Furuno SC70 satcompass, replacing the old SC50 unit.
'The current skipper and crew including myself are getting on in years and we would like to invite navigators/engineers/ETOs to come and join us as volunteers.
'The crew meet every Monday and Thursday for maintenance items, coffee, a chat and the usual marine banter, with plenty of Scouse humour.
'So if you fancy joining us and live in the Liverpool or Manchester area, please come along and meet us all, or alternatively email me at georgecliveevans@outlook.com and we can arrange to meet.'
- Do you volunteer to maintain or operate a historic ship – whether in the UK, the Netherlands or elsewhere? Let us know about your work by emailing telegraph@nautilusint.org.