Nautilus is informing members about a change to the free online will writing service, which is offered as a benefit of Union membership.
The service, which is carried out by Legal for Life on behalf of Nautilus, is moving to a new online platform.
The previous platform closed at midnight on 28 November 2022. Members who have previously created a will on the old platform will be able to download a copy from there until midnight on 28 February 2023.
Note that, if you have not downloaded your will by that point you will no longer have access to the document – unless and until the Will is downloaded it is not a legally binding or valid document.
Members who started but did not finish writing a will online before the old platform closed will still be able to complete the process on that platform until midnight on 28 February 2023.
To access the old platform, visit it directly at www.yourlegaldocuments.co.uk or use a link in any email you have previously received.
Members who would like to begin using the will writing service can access the new platform via www.legalforlife.co.uk. To find your Nautilus membership code and use the service for free, log in to My Nautilus for more information on personal, home and family legal services.
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