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Nautilus Federation statement on Ukraine-Russia relations

28 February 2022

Nautilus Federation affiliates have published a joint statement on relations between Ukraine and Russia, following recent events in the region.

The statement expresses concerns that the members of Nautilus Federation affiliates and other seafarers will find themselves drawn into conflict, as has happened with similar situations throughout history, reminding them to follow company procedure when faced with security threats to their vessels.

The signatory affiliates, named on the statement, call on governments and global organisations '…to ensure that merchant seafarers can, without fear, continue to supply the world with food, fuel and other essential goods.'

The statement also calls for shipowners to endeavour to implement safe, mutually agreeable and timely crew changes and to draw on the good working relations with the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) to support seafarers throughout this period.

Recognising that ships' crews often consist of seafarers from around the world – including Ukrainian and Russian citizens – the statement also calls on shipowners to 'encourage safe onboard working conditions amongst multinational crews'.

Government and industry guidance, which would include the decision taken by the UK’s Warlike Operations Area Committee (WOAC) is also referenced in the statement, with shipowners being reminded of the importance of compliance with governmental and industry guidance put in place '…to ensure the safety of seafarers working on board in affected areas'.

All Nautilus Federation affiliates are also affiliated to, or recognised by, the ITF, which issued a joint statement with its European regional body, ETF.

Members of Nautilus Federation affiliates who are seeking support from their Union can find direct contact information here, or out of hours they can contact the Nautilus 24/7 emergency helpline using the following information:
