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GET INVOLVED: Glasgow protest to keep up the pressure on P&O Ferries

25 March 2022

Following a weekend of action in Dover, Hull and Liverpool, further protests are planned today in Glasgow to keep up pressure on P&O Ferries over the sacking of 800 workers last week – a decision that the CEO has now admitted was illegal.

Protests by Nautilus International and our partners, including the RMT, are helping to put pressure on the government to act. Transport secretary Grant Shapps on Monday called for P&O Ferries to reinstate all 800 sacked workers, and further government 'measures' expected on Wednesday could include the extension of National Minimum Wage to all ferry crew.

Please join as if you can in our continuing actions in solidarity with the sacked workers and in support of good jobs for UK seafarers.


Date: Monday 28 March

Time: 11:00 

Place: Clyde Marine Recruitment, Maritime House, Watermark Business Park, 355 Govan Road

For those unable to make it, please consider showing your support by signing the petition and writing to your MP.

The Union believes the decision by P&O Ferries to lay off 800 workers is a despicable attack on the company's own loyal seafarers, and represents a threat to every UK maritime professional. This action threatens to trigger a race to the bottom that damages pay and conditions for all.

